FEMA, which manages the flood-insurance program, said the two hurricanes as of Feb ... The agency said the NationalFloodInsuranceProgram ultimately could face an estimated $6.4 billion to $7.4 billion in losses.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to fund the grants, which would create or expand solar programs for an estimated 900,000 households in low-income communities across the nation ...Tennessee’s Solar for All program is not accepting applications.
The PioneerInstitute has warned state officials to be weary when looking at last year’s Census Bureau estimates that showed Massachusetts’ population had its largest growth in over half a century.
It directs the services to set up a program to contact troops and begin doing so in two months ...Officials have not provided any cost estimates ... and within 60 days must begin a program to contact them.
Money to fix or modernize the system was sought from the FAA's Facilities & Equipment Program, which allocates funds based on priority. Weber said he was given no estimate on when the project will be funded.
Chisholm’s bill would also repeal the EmPOWER MarylandProgram, a utility-customer-funded program established by the legislature in 2008 to increase energy efficiency and lower utility costs by using less energy.
... show over $250 billion a year in fraud, and the CEO of Lexis-Nexis GovernmentRisk Management estimates that a trillion dollars goes out the door fraudulently in just the entitlement programs. .
... required to address it.” GAO laid out various recommendations, including that “Treasury should identify methods to expand government-wide estimates of fraud — prioritizing higher-risk program areas.”.
ClearStart Tax helps taxpayers apply for the IRSFresh StartProgram, providing expert guidance in tax resolution ... All estimates and statements regarding program performance are based on historical client outcomes.
Others propose cutting discretionary spending, but these programs account for only one-third of the federal budget, making even the most aggressive cuts politically unacceptable without making much dent in our debt.
Others propose cutting discretionary spending, but these programs account for only one-third of the federal budget, making even the most aggressive cuts politically unacceptable without making much dent in our debt.
The well-planned working environment will help attract and retain high-caliber crews, both male and female, drawn from a nation committed to its national service program ... The overall cost of the program has been estimated as $1.8 billion.
Milwaukee's financially troubled public housing program is posting an estimated $1.7 million loss for 2024, but is cutting costs and find more cash to pay its bills ... That program encompasses several ...